Monday, February 21, 2011

Work it Out

So February hasn't been a great weight loss month for me. My goal is to lose a pound a week (very realistic) But this month between Valentine's day and celebrating birthdays I haven't been as strict with my calories. I have however been working out 5-6 days a week. Now I normally split up my workouts with JM's 30 Day Shred and the elpitical but my elpitical has been down until today. Either way I decided that I needed something new to say the LEAST (I've been doing this routine for the last hmm....year or two). So I went searching for new DVDs. When I couldn't find what I was looking for I jumped on Amazon and I found these beauties!
I found a great deal and ordered all three! I am so excited!!! I think they'll probably arrive the end of this week. As you probably noticed I am a Jillian Michaels fan. Her methods are proven successful every week on BL! And I've seen it in my own life. So if it ain't broke don't fix it! I'm stickin with her. I will FOR SURE let you know what I think! :)

Tip: I read both on and Jillian's website that you don't need to kill yourself with 3 hour workouts. In fact you are more likely to over train your body that way. Consistantcy is the key. It is recommended that you wok out AT LEAST 3 times a week for thirty minutes at a time. Work on that and once you have accomplished that bump it up. Jillian also recommends not working the same muscle group more than twice a week because it can become "counterproductive, as it would throw the body into a state of overtraining and make it more prone to metabolize its own lean muscle tissue for energy."-JM

1 comment:

  1. I love Jillian!!! When I was banned from running last summer she became my dependency :) and I can't wait to get this kid out and start up again!
    You look amazing by the way!! We should swap weight loss secrets :) until May I'll just be jealous :)
