Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What I'm Eating

I had a friend ask me the other day if all I was eating were salads. I had to chuckle. Friends, I am NOT a person who can survive by eating like a rabbit. I have changed my eating habits though. Here are just a few of the things I have been eating:


I am a bread person! I go out to eat and fill up on bread before my meal has even begun. But I am trying to get better. I have grown to LOVE Thomas' Whole Wheat English Muffins! LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! Toast em and put some low fat cream cheese and Apple Butter ( A new love, I'll get to that in a minute!) and va la! You have a very yummy and low cal breakfast! I also will scramble an egg (with water not milk) add some spinach and a very small piece of cheese and you have a very delicious breakfast sandwich!

Now on to Apple Butter. As I mentioned before I love bread! And nothing goes better with bread than some butter and jam right? WRONG! Way too much sugar, way too many calories! Apple Butter is the PERFECT substitute! It's got about 30 calories per tablespoon! Only a few carbs and sugars! And it is DIVINE! I love it! Hint: you can find this next to the peanut butter and jam.

So for lunch or dinner I enjoy a wrap! I LOVE these Garden Spinach Herb tortillas. Now I cut them in half (they are pretty large). I throw some Hummus (YUM! and a great substitute for mayo), low fat cheese, turkey, and some spinach. Yum! If you are not a fan of hummus you can throw a little pesto on these.

I normally eat more calories at dinner time so I'll add some chips. These chips are the BEST chips I've EVER eaten! They are also the MOST healthy chips I've ever eaten! You can get a great buy at Costco on these!
Now if I DO eat a salad I normally go fruity! I have some spinach with turkey, cranberries (or fresh berries), with sliced almonds, and this! Maple Grove Fat Free Poppy Seed Vinaigrette! This dressing is AWESOME! And it's only 30 calories (for 2 tbsp)!!
Anyway that is some of the yummy stuff I have been eating. Have a recipe or meal that you love feel free to share! Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. These all sound like some very healthy meals, Suzi! I love your idea about adding the spinach to things... I'll have to try that! Thanks for sharing!
