Monday, February 14, 2011

I have an eating disorder!

No I am not anorexic or bulimic. I have another disorder...I am an OVER EATER or an impulsive eater. I can assure you this is a real disorder and is just as unhealthy as other eating disorders. Case and point, The Biggest Loser. Now I am aware enough to know that I have this disorder so I can control it for the most part but this last weekend I LOST it! I share this incident to show you that as the author of this blog I am FAR from perfect! Here is what happened:

Friday my darling husband wanted to surprise me for Valentines Day and brought home a box of Sees candies. Not just ANY Sees candies but my favorites...fruit creams. YUM! The box contained 21 chocolates, by Saturday morning it contained 6! Aaron had eaten TWO! Yes friends I have a problem! Today it contains 2 (which I won't eat cause they are dark chocolate with chocolate centers). Aaron as eaten 4.

As embarassing as it is to share this story with you I find it important to share all of my journey not just the good parts. So there you have it!

This week I VOW to be better. I have already gotten my workout in and eaten a healthy breakfast. I am off to a great start!

1 comment:

  1. I find that if I never "splurge" sometimes I'll just go crazy! I share the same definite imperfection that you just shared, Suzi! My weakness... POPCORN! Last year for Mother's Day Ry went & got me a large movie popcorn & I ate the whole thing by myself in under 6 hours or so! I find that doing this sometimes helps me keep my sanity with trying to eat healthy most of the time.
