Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tried it & Liked it and 5k update

As I have mentioned before I am a Breakfast girl! I love a plate of pancakes with warm buttery syrup. That doesn't really fit into my healthy lifestyle. But this morning that is just what I had. Only I made it with this...
Heart Smart Bisquick (made with egg whites) and topped it with this...
So during my last shopping trip I found this little gem. Maple Grove Farms Sugar Free Syrups! (I really like Maple Grove Farms, they make a lot of low cal salad dressings. LOVE EM) Now I am not going to lie to you and tell you it tastes JUST LIKE regular syrup. But I will tell you that if you are a breakfast lover like me and you want to find a great syrup substitute this TOTALLY fits the bill. Let's compare the nutrition facts for just a second...

REGULAR VS Maple Grove Farms Butter Syrup
Serving Size 1/4 cup
Calories 30
Total Fat 0
Sodium 100mg
Carbs 11g
Sugars 0
Sorbitol 10 g
Protein 0 g

As for my fist 5k I signed up for the Murray Fun Run on July 4th. I told myself I would NEVER run this because I would see too many people but my friend talked me into. I don't have much time to train but it will be fun even if I just end up walking. :) We'll see what happens.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Apologies!

Are you sick of reading this blog? I AM! Goodness sakes! This blog started out as a way to share information with readers. But lately it has been me whining about not losing weight! My sincerest apologies! Over the last month and a half I realized I have been going through the motions of working out and counting calories. And I haven't been actively learning about diet, nutrition, workouts, etc. etc. Well I am back! With more information!

First of all to get me started again I ordered these two items this week and am SUPER EXCITED to recieve them!
**I know that everyone is not motivated by JM but I really am my apologies if you are sick of hearing from/about her**
This cookbook is supposed to teach you about nutrition and health while also providing easy everyday meals. It sounds more realistic that most alot of the other cookbooks I was researching.

While deciding whether or not to purchase this book I came across JM's radio show/podcast (I will be listening to these podcast on a regular basis!) If you want to find out more about this book go HERE and check out podcast #6 All About Unlimited. I'm even more excited about this book after listening to the podcast!

Here is tidbit I learned from that podcast. Do you know the difference between High Fructose Corn Syrup & Corn Syrup? I didn't. But apparently Corn Syrup is ok in moderation. It is metabolized by the entire body. Where as HF Corn Syrup is a more processed substance & it is ONLY metabolized by the liver. Yikes!

Again my sincerest apologies for becoming so self involved and boring. Hopefully I will be able to share more valuable information! Thanks for sticking with me!

PS: Who or what motivates you?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Vanity Pounds??

So we all know that I have been trying to lose those last 5-10 lbs. Well I found this little blurb on regarding those lbs. :

"You know what I like to call those last 10 or 15 pounds that won't come off no matter what you do? Vanity pounds.

The term describes our desire to lose weight that, as far as our bodies are concerned, actually feels healthy. Today's society pressures us to want to look a certain way, so for aesthetic reasons we try to be thinner than our bodies want us to be. Personally, I have gained and lost the same 8 vanity pounds more times than I care to admit.

Losing your first 50 pounds might have been tough, but believe me, dropping those final few stubborn pounds is a whole different challenge. The body struggles to hold on to that last bit of fat for survival purposes.

Now, don't get me wrong — you can lose the weight if you want to, but it will require you to muster a tremendous amount of restraint and willpower. If you're really up for it, do the following for 30 days:

  1. Cut your sodium to 1,000 mg a day.
  2. Drink at least 80 ounces of water daily.
  3. Cut out processed foods.
  4. Abstain from alcohol.
  5. Train at 85 percent of your MHR (maximum heart rate) for 1 hour 5 times a week.

You can do a lot in 30 days — in fact, I can pretty much guarantee you will lose at least 5 pounds. And you'll feel like a rock star!"

80 OUNCES OF WATER! Holy cats that is A LOT of potty breaks! 1,000 grams of sodium is ANOTHER hard one. Hmmm we'll see.

I also found THIS other blurb from Every Day Health regarding breaking the cycle of emotional eating. I will definitely be trying out those ideas.

PS: I PROMISE to start providing more valuable information. I know the last month or so has been more of my thoughts. I am getting back into the research and factual information about healthy living and I promise to pass what I find on to you! Thanks for following! :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Another AH HA Moment

A little over a month ago I adjusted my calories and since I did I haven't been losing weight. I did some research and I realized that I may have made a mistake. I don't think that lowering my calories was the answer. Instead I think that I just need to be making better use of my calories.

When I started out I was allowing myself 1500-1850 calories a day. I was eating 3 meals 2 snacks (not always the healthiest) and an optional healthy sweet treat.

Then I cut back to 1400-1600 calories a day. 3 meals a day 2 snacks and no sweet treat. I found myself going over on my calories a lot and because I went over I would feel like I had blown it and just give up. I also found between lunch and dinner I was STARVING and I began to eat and wouldn't stop.

Now I have gone back to my 1500-1850 calories. I will be eating 4 planned meals two snacks and an optional healthy sweet treat. I feel like I have A LOT more energy. I've only been doing it for 2 days but I feel a difference and I've lost weight already! Phew!

PS- This article REALLY hit home for me. I don't know if any of you struggle with this but I DO!
The Following are clips that REALLY hit home!
(I could have WRITTEN the first paragraph!)
Binge eating has always been one of my biggest obstacles to overcome in losing weight. For me, once a binge is triggered and I take that first bite, I’m farther from stopping a binge than before I took the first bite. That first bite puts me into a frenzy and I forget all of my good intentions, aiming instead for a blissful food coma. That feeling of everything being better, calm, okay, safe and warm washes over me and I forget the guilt that will ensue for a few minutes. Tomorrow is another day, I reason. I can do better then. Deep down though, I know tomorrow will be full of regret, feelings of failure and doubt that I can ever pull off this weight loss/ fitness goal of mine.

Another technique I learned was called HALT. It reminds you to ask yourself if you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired before reaching for food as a comforting tool. These emotions are strong binge triggers, so eating for the sake of eating while feeling them is not a good idea. Figure out what you are really feeling and distract yourself for a little while to address the problem mentally. Once you know why you want to eat and what the root cause is, do something about it or decide to not. Make it your choice, your decision; put things in your hands again. You are now in control

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Okay, so May was a rough month. It was the first month since Kaci was born that I didn't lose ANY weight. I was kind of upset about it. I mean I have worked really hard this last year and I REALLY wanted to hit my goal and I was disappointed in myself. Seriously I felt that I let myself down and oddly enough I kind of felt like I was letting you down (silly I know). But I brushed myself off and realized that I learned A LOT last month. I learned that just because I am thinner now doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want-seems like an obvious thing but to me it wasn't. I also learned that the more weight you lose the more you have to adjust your calories & workout routines. I'm constantly learning what foods are okay for me and body.

So here I am one year after having a BEAUTIFUL baby girl. No I didn't hit my weight loss goal on the day I wanted to. Big deal! I lost 69 lbs in a year!! What the what! I have a lot to be proud of! I didn't hit my goal BUT I get to set NEW GOALS! And that in itself is kind of liberating. So today I am going to sit down and write down my NEW GOALS! I already have one in mind and I need your advice. I want to run 2 5ks this summer. Anyway advice on good shoes, jogging strollers, good ways to train, or races? Help me out here. I am NOT a runner but I'm going to try to be. :)

I also just wanted to say thank you. The handful of you that read this blog are really motivating to me. I know sometimes this blog can get boring but having it makes me feel like I've got my own little support group. And I hope you get something out of it to. ;)