Monday, January 31, 2011

What Does 300 Claories REALLY Look Like!

So I believe in counting calories. At first it was annoying! But now I feel like I am playing a game. Anyway I have searched for different ways to count my calories. There are A LOT of free websites you can join, apps you can download, etc. Some good ones that I have like are Calorie Counter, Livestrong, and Sparkpeople. I currently use Livestrong but I browse the other sites articles. This one TOTALLY grabbed my attention! It gives several examples healthy meals virus unhealthy meals. When you are counting your calories you want to get the bang for your bite. At first you may think that you will be eating like a church mouse but as this article proves you can eat healthy and get FULL! I am a visual person and being able to SEE the difference in the amount of food was incredible! I snagged a photo from each meal (see below) to see more check out the article! I thought it was fascinating!! Now the pictures are served to match the calories, the calories I listed are for the entire portion.

300 Calories VS 420 Calories

350 Calories VS 1370 Calories

400 Calories VS 1060 Calories


  1. You are a inspiration to me. I love your new blog. Keep it up. BTW, you look great!!!

  2. Isn't it amazing what a difference it makes in the amount of food you can get away with eating when it's the RIGHT kind of food?!? Thanks for sharing this, Suzi!
