Thursday, June 14, 2012

Where I have been...

Well I have totally neglected this blog. I wonder if anyone of you still bother checking it. I guess part of the reason I haven't been updating it is because once again I haven't been doing as well as I would like.
I really wanted to be super healthy this pregnancy but I haven't been doing that well. I finally feel good enough to workout and have been doing really at that but then I kind of turn into a bottomless pit :( today I am going to Costco and am going to stock up on yummy produce and healthy snacks. Also I can't eat out because anytime I do I gain a think I am joking? Nope! It is ridiculous!
I mentioned on my other blog that this pregnancy has been very difficult for me mentally. I was so healthy before I got pregnant that watching my body change this time around has been hard. I need to get over it though! I lost the 50+ lbs from my last pregnancy in 5 mos.!!! I just need to realize that even if I gain 50 lbs this time around I will be fine. It is just weird because it is not like i am eating horribly but everything just sticks. Lol! I guess I am one of those blessed woman whose bodies just holds on to everything when pregnant. And that is ok!
Please don't misunderstand! I am Over the moon to be pregnant!!!!! Plus I am lucky to be able to carrying a beautiful baby and she is growing healthy and strong.
Here is what is going on in my pregnancy right now:
I am currently 21 weeks prego and Baby Girl (probably will be Elli Sue) is about the size of spaghetti squash (8 in & 1 lb) she is getting stronger everyday. In fact last night Aaron really felt her little wiggles. I am feeling pretty good. I have heartburn,pelvic pain & tailbone pain but other than that we are doing just great! So far I have gained 25lbs. Which is wonderful! ;) if that is what baby girl needs then so be it!!! Here is a pick I took a couple weeks ago at 19 weeks!


  1. You look so great! I think it's normal to worry about your changing body while pregnant. When I was pregnant I became a lot more sensitive about my body than I think I ever was before! I think a huge part of it (at least for me) was that people feel like they can judge and talk about and give advice about your body and weight just because you're pregnant - but regardless of being pregnant or not, it's no one's business but yours and your doctors! I think you look awesome and you will be able to lose whatever you gain!

  2. Suzi, I started watching this great documentary and it made me think of your great health blog so I thought you may be interested in watching it. It is called the Weight of the Nation. You can watch it online for free here:

    It is a 4-part series. I think each series is about an hour long. I watched the first part and thought it was really eye opening. Let me know what you think if you watch it! Love ya!

  3. Vidhigra Reviews! Did you see that? Son of a gun! I'm certain a good many of you will feel of that differently.
