Well I have totally neglected this blog. I wonder if anyone of you still bother checking it. I guess part of the reason I haven't been updating it is because once again I haven't been doing as well as I would like.
I really wanted to be super healthy this pregnancy but I haven't been doing that well. I finally feel good enough to workout and have been doing really at that but then I kind of turn into a bottomless pit :( today I am going to Costco and am going to stock up on yummy produce and healthy snacks. Also I can't eat out because anytime I do I gain a pound...you think I am joking? Nope! It is ridiculous!
I mentioned on my other blog that this pregnancy has been very difficult for me mentally. I was so healthy before I got pregnant that watching my body change this time around has been hard. I need to get over it though! I lost the 50+ lbs from my last pregnancy in 5 mos.!!! I just need to realize that even if I gain 50 lbs this time around I will be fine. It is just weird because it is not like i am eating horribly but everything just sticks. Lol! I guess I am one of those blessed woman whose bodies just holds on to everything when pregnant. And that is ok!
Please don't misunderstand! I am Over the moon to be pregnant!!!!! Plus I am lucky to be able to carrying a beautiful baby and she is growing healthy and strong.
Here is what is going on in my pregnancy right now:
I am currently 21 weeks prego and Baby Girl (probably will be Elli Sue) is about the size of spaghetti squash (8 in & 1 lb) she is getting stronger everyday. In fact last night Aaron really felt her little wiggles. I am feeling pretty good. I have heartburn,pelvic pain & tailbone pain but other than that we are doing just great! So far I have gained 25lbs. Which is wonderful! ;) if that is what baby girl needs then so be it!!! Here is a pick I took a couple weeks ago at 19 weeks!