Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Healthy Relationships

I know A LOT of people who try to keep their dieting & work out a secret, like they are embarrassed that they are trying to lose weight. They think that if they keep it a secret that it will be easier and less emotional. WRONG! I read the following on JillianMichaels.com and I could not agree more!

"From now on, I want you to surround yourself with supportive family and friends. Take the time to share your goals and aspirations with them, as well as the details about how you're going to lose weight. Give the people who are closest to you the lowdown on the types of foods you're eating and your workout schedule. Tell them how you feel about your efforts and how important it is to you that they understand your changing needs and continue to support you in this new lifestyle.

Now think of people outside your immediate circle of family and friends. People you encounter every day — whether they have a personal relationship with you or not — can help you stay on track. Your doctor can help you maintain your health while you lose weight. Your co-workers can refrain from pushing unhealthy office food. Think of everyone you regularly encounter in a day, from the guy who sells you coffee to your pals online. They are — whether they know it or not — your co-conspirators in creating a healthy new life for yourself.

If you patiently and consistently communicate what others can do to support you, you will build a network of strength that you can lean on when you feel discouraged or in need of reassurance."

And it made me think just how true this really is! Support is a KEY to changing your lifestyle. This is true in everything! Say a smoker is trying to quit but all of his friends that smoke don't support them--so they smoke around them or even offer it to them. It's the same with changing our eating and work out habits. If your friends and family know how excited and determined you are to change they are just going to want to help in anyway possible (that is if they love you)!

Start today! Share your excitement about your new journey! Yeah it may annoy them at first but who knows you might inspire someone else!

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