Friday, December 7, 2012


Hey there! I hope you all had a wonderful week! 
I LOVE Pinterest! I think it is an amazing resource!! I have been pinning all sorts of workouts for months now! This week I decided I would try one out. I had pinned THIS workout from because I thought it would be a great workout to go. You know when you go on vacation but don't want to take your weights, dvds, etc. This workout would be a GREAT vacation workout. All you need is your a good pair of shoes, this workout printed (or memorized but heaven knows this mama is all out of room) and your iPod/MP3. 
I did this workout yesterday and am DYING this morning I am so sore in a GREAT way! In fact after the workout I got in the shower and could barely lift my arms to wash my hair..LOL! :) This workout was awesome I just turned on my Pandora Pop Fitness Channel (we will get to this in a moment) and set the timer on my iPod for each circuit. It kicked my butt! The other nice thing about this workout is that it can be 15 mins, 30 mins or 45 mins long! Isn't that AWESOME!?! 

Another thing that I learned from Pinterest is that Pandora offers a bunch of different workout stations! Who knew!?! Yesterday I used the Pop Fitness and it was FANTASTIC! I will definitely be using these channels more often! 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

My first week back

This week went AWESOME!!! First let me say that I saw my OBGYN this week for my 6 week postpartum and everything went great!
Also I started up with my lolo treadmill workouts! I am easing into it with a intermediate 30 min walk/jog routine. I was able to get 3 of those in and a partial Jillian Michaels workout in this week. I also started loosely countin my calories. Because i am nursing I am not getting to strict about it. With these few changes I lost 3 lbs!!! Woo hoo! I will post some pics soon!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I am we go again!!

Hey there! Is anyone still out there! Sorry I was MIA for the rest of my pregnancy. I just was not as on the ball as I wanted to be. Anyway I gained 55lbs (ouch) with this pregnancy so I have yet another long journey ahead of me. I have lost 20lbs (thank you breastfeeding) so I have another 35 to go. Really I would like to lose 45 because that would get me to my GOAL weight not just my pre-pregnancy weight. Something I think I am going to do this time around is do a photo journal of my weight loss journey. Hopefully I will remember! 

Since I am technically not supposed to really start a 'work out' regimin for another 2-3 weeks my goal is just to walk for 30-60 minutes a day. I tried to start this last week but only got one day in.It is hard to balance two kids and myself but I know that making time for yourself is SOO important. Anyway I am going to run and change and flip on the old treadmill. 

If anyone is still reading THANKS! and I will see ya soon! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Where I have been...

Well I have totally neglected this blog. I wonder if anyone of you still bother checking it. I guess part of the reason I haven't been updating it is because once again I haven't been doing as well as I would like.
I really wanted to be super healthy this pregnancy but I haven't been doing that well. I finally feel good enough to workout and have been doing really at that but then I kind of turn into a bottomless pit :( today I am going to Costco and am going to stock up on yummy produce and healthy snacks. Also I can't eat out because anytime I do I gain a think I am joking? Nope! It is ridiculous!
I mentioned on my other blog that this pregnancy has been very difficult for me mentally. I was so healthy before I got pregnant that watching my body change this time around has been hard. I need to get over it though! I lost the 50+ lbs from my last pregnancy in 5 mos.!!! I just need to realize that even if I gain 50 lbs this time around I will be fine. It is just weird because it is not like i am eating horribly but everything just sticks. Lol! I guess I am one of those blessed woman whose bodies just holds on to everything when pregnant. And that is ok!
Please don't misunderstand! I am Over the moon to be pregnant!!!!! Plus I am lucky to be able to carrying a beautiful baby and she is growing healthy and strong.
Here is what is going on in my pregnancy right now:
I am currently 21 weeks prego and Baby Girl (probably will be Elli Sue) is about the size of spaghetti squash (8 in & 1 lb) she is getting stronger everyday. In fact last night Aaron really felt her little wiggles. I am feeling pretty good. I have heartburn,pelvic pain & tailbone pain but other than that we are doing just great! So far I have gained 25lbs. Which is wonderful! ;) if that is what baby girl needs then so be it!!! Here is a pick I took a couple weeks ago at 19 weeks!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Feeling Better

So last week I had my 10 week appointment. I had the nurse look up my weight at first appointment when I was pregnant with Kaci and found (to my relief) that I was currently 7lbs less than I was then. That made me feel a little bit better about the weight I have gained thus far with this pregnancy. I have been a lot sicker with this pregnancy than I was with Kaci Lu. Again, no throwing up just exhausted and nauseous all the time. This has made me VERY LAZY! And I have been eating okay.The quality has been good it's just I have been eating more than I typically would. Remember I am an emotional eater...? :) Anyway at my Dr. appointment he prescribed my Zofran which honestly has helped me A TON!!! Yesterday I worked out for the first time in a week and a half! It felt SOOOO GOOD!!! I also have been eating less-remember I was emotionally eating because I didn't feel good before. Anyway things are looking on the up and up.
Now that I am feeling better I look forward to posting more on fitness & health.  Woo hoo!!!Stay tuned okay. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pregnancy Update

          5 Weeks                                               7 Weeks                                     8 Weeks                                               


I just wanted to thank you for your comments on my last post. I am really excited to be pregnant again. I just wanted to update! People always told me that with your second you start showing faster but I NEVER believed it would happen SO QUICKLY!!! In fact I went out and bought maternity pants already! There is NO point in cramming into pants that just make me feel fat!
 I have maintained my weight gain. WOO HOO! I know a lot of people do better eating 5-6 small meals a day while pregnant but I have found this time around that I do better if I have three regular meals with a couple of small snacks! It has really helped. I was running 4-5 miles 3 times a week and doing strength training the other days before I got pregnant but ever since my belly started to jiggle I have slowed things down-I know it's silly but I feel like I am going to give my peanut shaken baby syndrome. I have been walking 3+ miles a day on my treadmill and still doing some strength training. I have been sicker with this pregnancy than I was with Kaci. I dont throw up or anything the exhaustion and nausea. Hopefully I will start feeling better over the next couple of weeks. And I will back to normal again.

OH! Recently I was contacted by the makers of P90X and the said that they wanted to help me with my blog. So if there is anything specific that you'd like me to touch on let me know. I thought it was REALLY cool that they contacted me. Hopefully with their help I can give you more helpful health, exercise and nutrition info!! :)

Monday, February 27, 2012


Well some of you are really going to have to bare with me for the next 9 months...that is right. I just found out that I am pregnant! Hopefully those who aren't pregnant won't find it annoying and those that are will find the information useful.

So my goal with this pregnancy is to be healthier than my last (remember I gained 50 lbs! YIKES). The first trimester is always a little harder though because of the nausea and hormones etc. For some reason I feel like a gain weight really 5 lbs! That is right I'm ONLY 6ish weeks along and I've put on 5 lbs! It is okay though I understand my blood and fluid increases etc. Hormones are crazy and let's face it when you aren't nausueas you want to eat something good! I am still working out 4-6 times a week and trying to get the rest that I need. I also just stocked my fridge and pantry with yummy fruits and veggies that I can snack on. I am a FIRM believer that pregnant women really shouldn't be overly concerned with their wieght during pregnancy. Everyone is SO different and every pregnancy is SO different. I may give advice but remember it is only what works for me. Please consult your doctor if you have concerns. Anyway here is to the next 35 weeks! :)

Any pregnant readers out there? If so how far along are you? Do you have any advice YOU want to share!?